Military Divorces In Los Angeles
Obtain Guidance From Our Los Angeles Divorce Attorney
Do you need legal assistance with a military divorce in the greater Los Angeles area? If so, we advise you to contact our legal team at the Law Offices of Michael D. Burt for a consultation about your situation as soon as possible. As a competent and experienced lawyer, Attorney Michael Burt is well-versed in all of the legal aspects of California divorces, including the unique issues involved in military divorces. Because our firm is devoted to handling divorce and family law matters exclusively, we can provide thorough and effective guidance in this field of law.
Related California Laws
Specific state and federal laws apply to military divorces in California which protect service personnel from being sued for a divorce without their knowledge while on active duty. The Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act permits divorce proceedings to be postponed while a service member is on active duty and for up to 60 days following. If the service member wishes to be divorced, this right of postponement can be waived.
Filing requirements for a military divorce include California residency and being stationed in California. In dividing property in a military divorce, the Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act sets the rules for how military retirement benefits are determined and divided in the event of a divorce. Under this law, military retirement benefits cannot be divided or apportioned to a military spouse unless married 10 years or more to a service member who has been on active duty. Additionally, child support and spousal support payments cannot amount to more than 60 percent of a service member's pay and allowances.
To find out more about the issues involved in a military divorce, it is important to consult with a Los Angeles divorce lawyer at our firm about your particular situation. We strive to provide responsive and personalized attention as well as the highest quality of legal service available.